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More Ways to Give

Because every gift is unique

More Ways to Give

Select an option below to learn more.

Donate by Check or Wire Transfer

Thank you for considering a donation by check, money order, or wire transfer.

Give a Gift of Stock or Securities

Giving appreciated assets like these help you avoid paying capital gains taxes, and can give you an income tax deduction.

Create a Scholarship Fund

与基金会办公室合作建立奖学基金以纪念或纪念所爱的人. 这些礼物将对学生的生活产生重大影响,并可能永远改变他们的生活轨迹.

Legacy Giving

Multiply the results of your generosity in ways that are simple, flexible, cost-effective and powerful with a planned gift.

Qualified Charitable Distributions

If you are 70 ½  or older, 合格慈善分配(QCD)是一种免税的方式,您可以直接从您的个人退休帐户(IRA)中提供可观的捐款。.

Donor-Advised Funds

捐赠者建议型基金是增长最快的慈善捐赠工具,因为它们最简单, and most tax-savvy way to give. Create a grant recommendation from your donor-advised fund to support EC today!

Gifts-in-Kind (Non-Cash Assets)

Contributions of non-cash assets, or “Gifts in Kind”, are donations of tangible property such as books, equipment, real estate, personal collections, or other personal property. Learn more about how you can support EC with a non-cash gift-in-kind.

Gifts that Pay You Income

If you’re looking for a way to maintain your current lifestyle, increase your financial security, and lower your taxes, consider creating a charitable gift annuity.


Whether donating online, attending a fundraising event, becoming a business sponsor, including EC in your will, or contributing in another method, community members like you are changing lives and having an eternal impact!

Donate by Check or Wire Transfer

Checks may be mailed to:

The Foundation for Eastern Christian School
50 Oakwood Ave
North Haledon, NJ 07508-2449

Wire Transfer
You can wire funds directly to EC from your bank using the information provided below. To ensure proper crediting, please include your name and intended gift purpose.

Receiving Bank: Columbia Bank
Beneficiary Legal Account: Foundation for Eastern Christian School Association
Account & Routing #: Please call the Foundation at 973.427.9294 for the bank’s account number and routing number.
Bank Address #: 19-01 Rt. 208 N Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Memo/Reference: Donor name and intended gift purpose (if any), otherwise funds will be directed to where it is need most

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Give a Gift of Stock or Securities

Many people choose to donate stocks or securities instead of gifts of cash. Give appreciated assets now and enjoy the benefits, or add us as a beneficiary of these assets and eliminate estate and inheritance tax, making the most of your gift.


  • Gifts of assets can often save you far more on taxes than gifts of cash
  • Avoid all capital gains taxes
  • 获得资产价值的所得税减免(如果你拥有这些资产超过一年)
  • Make an immediate impact on the mission of EC

How it works

  1. Transfer appreciated securities directly to us (and avoid all capital gains taxes)
  2. E-mail transfer details to, alerting Eastern Christian School to expect your gift
  3. Receive a tax receipt for the value of the assets
  4. The securities are sold and the funds put directly to use for greatest impact

Give your bank or broker the following instructions:

Columbia Bank
DTC# 0226
Regency Wealth Management
For Credit to Account: 676458207
Account name: Eastern Christian School Association Foundation

Tax ID#: 26-4337254

E-mail the following transfer details to so that we can thank you and send you a tax receipt:

  • Name and address
  • Date of transfer
  • Name and ticker symbol of the security
  • Number of shares
  • Intended designation of your gift, if none please say “Where needed most”

Eastern Christian School Contact:
Maura Byrnes
Executive Director, Foundation for Eastern Christian School Association
Phone: 973-427-9294

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Create a Scholarship Fund

Scholarship funds can ease families’ financial burden, help students to achieve their God-given dreams and goals, 并确保后代的学生享有同样的机会,在新葡京app学习和成长.

Endowed & Expendable Scholarships

An endowed scholarship 是一种将全部捐赠存入EC的捐赠基金,只有赚取的利息用于学费援助的方式吗, allowing the principal to grow and last for generations to follow. Endowed named scholarship funds may be created with a minimum gift of $100,000. 这笔钱可以赚取足够的利息,每年可以提供大约5000美元的奖学金.

An expendable scholarship, on the other hand, 是由捐款人及教统会决定如何及何时以奖学金形式发放全部捐款. Expendable named funds may be established with a gift of at least $50,000.

Ready to Learn More about Starting a New Scholarship?

Please call the Foundation Office at 973-427-9294 or email

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Legacy Giving

1892 Society

1892年成立的协会是为了纪念那些承诺将新葡京app纳入其遗产计划的人. Planned gifts cost nothing today and still allow you to make an incredible impact. 

Current 1892 Society members, representing EC alumni, friends, parents and grandparents, 他们是我们的英雄,因为他们通过他们计划的遗产礼物来支持下一代的基督教领袖.


Popular Legacy Gifts

Gifts in a Will

By far the most popular type of planned gift, 在您的遗嘱或信托捐赠授权东基督教学校继续提供严格的, Christ-centered education to students for generations to come. Whether you decide to designate a specific amount or leave a percentage of your estate, 包括EC在你的遗产规划表明基督教教育的重要性和模型的慷慨遗产给你的亲人, 并确保新葡京app在你的有生之年继续发挥作用. 

欧共体很自豪地为我们社区的所有成员提供免费访问可信赖的, 以圣经为基础的对话,新葡京app你的遗嘱或信任与基督教遗产规划师通过 Barnabas Foundation

今天致电888与巴纳巴斯基金会联系,就您的遗嘱展开对话.448.3040 or visit their website:

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Beneficiary Designations

指定新葡京app作为受益人的资产不包括在你的遗嘱-如401(k), IRA accounts, or life insurance policies — may help your heirs avoid unwanted taxes, even if you’re below the estate tax threshold.

指定新葡京app作为你退休计划或保险政策的受益人, contact your plan administrator to request a Change of Beneficiary form. EC’s tax identification number (EIN) is 26-4337254.

Qualified Charitable Distributions from your IRA

For those age 70 ½ or older, qcd是直接从你的个人退休账户中提取礼物的好方法,特别是如果你有一年的最低分配要求(RMD), 73岁以后,个人每年必须从个人退休账户中提取的最低金额是多少, because a QCD gift can help you meet your RMD while lowering your taxable income.

Who it’s for

  • Individuals 70 ½ or older
  • 那些拥有个人退休账户(IRA)的人,这是一个传统的IRA,而不是罗斯IRA
  • 那些想要进行慈善捐赠的人,将其计入所需的最低分配额
  • Those who want to reduce their taxable income


  • Reduces taxable income
  • Counts towards your Required Minimum Distribution for the year
  • Makes an immediate impact on our mission

How it works

  1. 指示您的个人退休账户托管人将最高10万美元直接分配给一个或多个符合条件的慈善机构.
  2. The QCD counts towards your Required Minimum Distribution.
  3. QCD不包括在你的应税收入中,这可以减少你的总体纳税义务. You will not receive a charitable income tax deduction for the QCD.


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What is a Donor-Advised Fund?

捐赠者建议基金(DAF)类似于一个慈善投资账户,其设立的唯一目的是支持慈善事业. Individuals can make contributions of cash, stocks, or other assets into the DAF and receive an immediate tax deduction. Those funds are then managed by a DAF custodian and invested for tax-free growth, and the donor can recommend donations to charities of their choice over time, providing flexibility in their giving strategy.


  • 当向您的基金捐款时,您可以立即获得税收减免,并有能力稍后分配资金
  • 随著时间的推移,请保留在你斟酌的策略上提出奖助金建议的灵活性 
  • Support Christian education and make an immediate impact on the mission of EC
  • Create a lasting legacy and maintain family involvement in charitable decisions

How it works

  1. 登录您的捐赠人建议基金帐户或联系您的基金管理人提交赠款建议或请求.
  2. Request a grant to: 

Eastern Christian School
50 Oakwood Ave
North Haledon, NJ 07508
Federal Tax ID# (EIN): 26-4337254

If you choose to support EC with a donor-advised fund, please contact the Foundation Office at 973-427-9294 or  让我们知道,以确保您得到适当的承认,并确保您的赠款得到使用,因为你的意愿.

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Gifts-in-Kind (Non-Cash Assets)

Many donors make gifts of tangible property to Eastern Christian throughout the year, especially for the Auction Gala or other fundraising events. Gifts-in-kind may include books, equipment, furnishings, business interests, real estate, personal collections or other personal property. 这些捐献应预先与基金会办公室安排,以确保该捐献可能被接受, 教统会保留以学校最佳利益为目的使用或变现任何非现金捐赠的权利. 

Donors who would like to contribute a non-cash gift valued at more than $5,000.00必须向基金会办公室提供来自独立合格来源的评估. Please consult your tax advisor or IRS Publication 561 to determine the value of your potential donated property. 

Don’t forget to contact the Foundation Office at 973-427-9294 or to arrange a gift-in-kind donation to Eastern Christian.

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Charitable Gift Annuities

Lifetime income gifts, like charitable gift annuities, are wonderful solutions for Christians who wish to give in a substantial way, but may be concerned about having enough retirement income. 

新葡京app与巴纳巴斯基金会合作,使像您这样的支持者能够提供高达50美元的礼物,000 from your IRA to fund a gift annuity. In exchange for this gift, the Barnabas Foundation will make fixed annual payments to you based on your age, for as long as you live. Also, if you are 73 or older, these gifts count toward the required minimum distributions from your IRA, and since they are directed to a charity, they are tax-free. It’s a win-win for you and Eastern Christian!

Who it’s for

  • Individuals 70 ½ or older
  • 那些想要进行慈善捐赠的人,将其计入所需的最低分配额
  • Those who want to reduce their taxable income
  • If you are under 65, you may want to consider a Deferred Charitable Gift Annuity, where payouts start after you hit a certain age


  • Receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your gift
  • Annuity payments are guaranteed for life, backed by a reserve and the assets of the Barnabas Foundation
  • Annuity payments are partially tax free, making them more valuable than fully taxable income of the same size

How it works

  1. Transfer cash or securities to the Barnabas Foundation.
  2. The Barnabas Foundation will pay you a fixed income for life. The amount depends on the size of the transfer, and how old you are.
  3. The remaining funds pass to Eastern Christian School when the contract ends, creating a meaningful impact.

我们建议您咨询合格的遗产规划律师或财务顾问,以确定这是否是您的正确选择. EC is proud to provide you with complimentary access to trusted, biblically-based conversations with a Christian estate planner through the Barnabas Foundation regarding a possible gift annuity. 

Call the Barnabas Foundation to learn more about gifts that pay you income at 888.448.3040 or contact the Eastern Christian School Foundation Office at 973.427.9294 or for help or more information.

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新葡京app是一个注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,税务识别号码(EIN) 26- 437254.

Foundation Office | 973-427-9294 |